I have been fascinated by drawing the human figure for the longest time, probably because I don't do it very well. They aren't as easy as drawing a building or a salt shaker on your kitchen counter; these things you can miss slightly when you sketch them but not a human figure. We humans have had a lot of experience seeing and understanding the figure. We understand the slight nuances of a smile, smirk or playful banter. And if you mess up the direction of a line or draw too much you destroy the outcome.
It is easier to draw my kids when they sleep as they aren't burning pure energy or looking at what I'm drawing and asking me to prepare their paints for them so they can sketch with me (which I love doing). I felt I got it somewhat right when I asked each of them who it was and they answered correctly!! (I paid them off accordingly). Still I feel I have more to learn.
Above is my daughter Miriama (Mimi for short). The drawing on the left Jenny disliked as I missed the proportions on her upper shoulder. Underscoring the great acuity we have for those we know intimately. Had I sketched our car or bicycle she would've not seen I had misdrawn the wheels or fender. But miss the nuance of the eyes or how the nose sits on the face or the cute rounded cheeks then it is immediately picked up on. Maybe it is easier to draw caricatures or cartoons then we can take more liberties. I like the drawings on the right side of the page better. Joshua liked the one of Mimi drinking her bottle- which I thought I goofed up on as well. It is amazing that what we like or think is good are different from everyone else at times.
Above is my middle beauty Ariana- she is four years old and is already worrying Mom & Dad about the hearts she'll break. Applying watercolor to her face is more abstract.
I think I'm going to go back to what Charles Reid said about applying color. He stressed the importance of not only seeing correct value but applying paint in terms of color shapes. His paintings don't have the subtleties of color but are rather applied quite boldly using correct value although he imagineers his color schemes. I don't know if he said this exactly but it is what I understood and want to explore; and that is the most important part- experimentation. You won't know unless you tried it.
Try mixing color on the paper instead of on the pallete like Mr. Reid does- it is a nerve shattering experience- although you get some interesting and sometimes horrifying results.